Tue, Oct 1, 2024 11:09 AM

Chemistry for Everyone: Cross-Industry Collaboration

In Hungary, industries closely related to chemistry – the chemical industry, pharmaceutical industry, and environmental industry – have significant national economic weight, yet these sectors face above-average labor shortages.

Chemistry for Everyone: Cross-Industry Collaboration

In Hungary, industries closely related to chemistry – the chemical industry, pharmaceutical industry, and environmental industry – have significant national economic weight, yet these sectors face above-average labor shortages.
Tue, Oct 1, 2024 11:09 AM
Tue, Oct 1, 2024 11:09 AM

Moreover, the number of students applying to and being admitted to chemistry-related courses at domestic universities has been steadily declining for years. To counteract this negative trend, Egis launched several initiatives years ago (ETTK programs,  preparation courses for the secondary school-leaving exam, career orientation lectures, etc.), actively participates in dual vocational trainings, and supports numerous chemistry competitions, talent development forums, and even the mentoring program for chemistry teachers. Now, our company has also joined a cross-industry collaboration initiated by the Hungarian Chemical Society (MKE), aimed at improving the general appreciation of chemistry education.

The public launch event of the “Chemistry for Everyone” program took place on October 1, 2024, where, in addition to government representatives, professional associations, universities, and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA), as well as top executives from the largest companies, were present. Csaba Poroszlai, CEO of Egis, participated in the professional discussion, during which he explained that Egis has been running active programs for years to promote chemistry, which not only target young people before career choice and school-leaving exams but also help upper primary school students who are newly introduced to chemistry to discover and love this special field of science.

At the event, Zsófia Nagy-Vargha, Deputy State Secretary stated: “The goal of the Hungarian government is for natural science education to be present in higher education at a 50% rate by 2030, as global trends show that a country can only be successful if it pays special attention to these areas.”

At the press announcement, the newly launched website was also presented, which collects the latest news, events, and educational programs related to the world of chemistry, whether it be chemistry camps, chemistry competitions, workshops, laboratory visits, or interactive exhibitions. With this new tool, the organizers aim to ensure that all interested parties can find the programs and news of the participating organizations in one place, thus facilitating information dissemination.

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